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Dating vs Courting (Updated Video)

Dating vs Courting (IS There a Difference??)

What’s the difference between dating vs courting in the modern world of romance?

Though some cultures and religions have spiritual/religious views, my take is more general and less traditional.

What’s your take on the differences? Let me know in the comments (over yonder on YouTube)!

This gist of the difference is: Are you swapping spit yet or not so much?

Watch to see what I mean!

The Newer Video on dating vs courting …

Going into more detail on the differences, you’ll see the underlying theme is about intention.

A Quick #JustTheTip Overview:

  1. The intention of courting is more long term relationship oriented whereas dating is about __.
  2. With courting, relationship intentions are disclosed up front but dating isn’t.
  3. If courting, you know what you want (and don’t want) and when dating you’re more likely to __.
  4. Courting is based on compatible values, beliefs, and goals whereas dating is about __ boom chicka bam bam… 😉
  5. Courting is about vetting and dating is about discovering.
  6. Oh my! Courting has limits and boundaries vs dating which is more about … (refer back to boom chicka!)

Which is Better?

Well, that all depends on your personal relationship goals!

There are risks in both no matter which way you go, so what the video to discover the risks and decide which is best for you!

If you’re ready to take it to warp speed to find, attract and keep your special sweetheart, remember that you didn’t land on my site by accident!

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Your Creator is your biggest fan and didn’t put you here to be shy, single and suffering. But, as My Little Mom (RIP) used to say, “God helps those who help themselves.”

Sir, you really do deserve to be loved.

To the very core of me I KNOW this to be true. It is the reason I do what I do.

And, guess what else?

You don’t have to believe in God for my dating advice to work for you.

Follow my advice and before you know it you’ll get a girlfriend and be cuddled up on the couch chillin’ ‘n Netflix’in with your soulmate — no more Hands Solo!

Thanks so much for being here in the world with me! For reals.

xo AJ

You got this.

Um, yeah, here’s the fine print:

DISCLAIMER: Anna is not a psychiatrist—no way—or medical advisor—nope—you are responsible for your actions and the results thereof. Such is life.


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