Category: Dating 101, Tips For Chicks, Videos | By:  Anna Jorgensen | 0 Comments

Dating Advice for Strong, Independent, Self-Empowered Women

I have a lot of girl friends and clients who are strong, independent, self-empowered glass-ceiling breakers, and the one thing they all ask me is how to be more feminine without losing their strong personalities.

Well, ladies, I’m also a Boss Babe! Been there, figured out that delicate balance — after messing up in a few Little Miss Bossy Me relationships.

But there are ways for us to learn how to be more feminine without compromising all that we’ve worked for!

How to be More Feminine Tip #1 — Give Him the Words He Craves

If we want a masculine man, we’ve got to allow a man to feel masculine! Part of this is using words that make him feel masculine.

Yep, it feels awkward at first, even fraudulent to use some of these words, but when you get the hang of saying them, playfully, jokingly, even sincerely, it’ll start to feel like fun. Empowering fun!

Giving a man the words he craves empowers us and him! Win-win.

How to be More Feminine Tip #2 — Touch Him

When we touch a man physically, it sends a biological chemical reaction coursing through his body. It’s not weird; he’s wired that way. All men are.

So, whether we’re discussing, debating or down right differing in opinion big time, when we use touch, our masculinity is softened not the point we’re trying to make. In fact …

Touching a man while making our point is far more persuasive than bossy bitchiness.

Touch his body, and you’ll touch his heart, mind, soul and even his long-standing opinions.

How to be More Feminine Tip #3 — Don’t Tell Him He’s Wrong

But, Anna, what if he is wrong??

Quite likely he is, my fellow Femme Fatales! 😉

But do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?

Ok, fair enough. Sometimes we want both. And we deserve both! But the strategy to be right and happy isn’t to bulldoze a guy’s gentle and tender ego.

Reality Land: Men have gentle and tender egos! Use this knowledge for good not evil.

The truth is that truth itself is often highly subjective. And regardless of who’s right, winning an argument at the expense of a man’s ego is a lose-lose battle.

So, what to do?

Agree to disagree.

We usually want to be heard, understood and validated more than we want to be right. Am I right?

Super. So, tell him that.

Wait? What??

Yep, tell him that you want to “be heard” and “feel understood” and that even though he may choose — men need freedom — to disagree, you’d appreciate his validation.

You’ll get about a million bonus points if you also use the words “provide for” in there somewhere. Men want to provide for us: it’s another basic need they have.

And, no, you’re not losing anything of yourself by admitting you’d like his validation!

He wants yours.

Relationships are about give and take and a fuck ton of vulnerability.

And if you can’t get past the I-don’t-need-any-man’s-validation then think of it as a relationship strategy, Little Miss Stubborn. 😉

You got this.

xo AJ

More tips on how to be more feminine in the video below! Want more than #JustTheTip? Get the whole road map to the Love Meadow (aka Get a BF) here.

About the Author Anna Jorgensen

Dating, Love and Relationship Coach Founder: Wingmam, Vancouver, Canada Warning: Not PC, not a feminist ❤️

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