Category: 50 First Dates, Dating 101 | By:  Anna Jorgensen | 2 Comments

Find The Right Guy on a Dating Site – Really?

“What’s your selection process?” Jane asks me the other day. “Your journey to help women find the the right guy on a dating site?”

Jane is a matchmaker.

She tells me, “The biggest complaint in the real world of dating is about the journey to finding that right person.”

I wrote the book on how to be successful in online dating. (Links at end of post.)

Here’s what I shared with Jane…

How to Find the Right Guy on a Dating Site

First, know your “Top Five”—the five deal-makers (/breakers), must-haves (/must-not-haves) in a mate.

Part of how to find the right guy on a dating is the mindset of: if any one of these qualities is missing you’d rather choose to be single foreverrr rather than settle.

Side story:

Once upon a time not that long ago, while working through my Top Five process with a client, I suddenly figured out why my marriage to Good Man, who seemed to meet my Top Five, hadn’t worked out. (We amicably divorced 10 years ago.)

I realized that my Top Five had changed!

So, I called a friend right after the session: “My number four isn’t ‘he adores me’! I got over that need years ago.

I need intellectual stimulation! He adored me but didn’t stimulate me! Dealbreaker.”


And a big relief because I’d thought there was something wrong with me—aside from all my (self-) acceptable (adorable?) “flaws.”

So I took myself through my own Top Five process (in my soon-to-be-released WakeUP2Luv self-study at-home-in-your-pjs program) and figured out my true Top Five.

Filtering is easy if you —

  1. know what you really want;
  2. put what you want in your dating site profiles (men who read can filter you out!);
  3. know what you don’t want;
  4. put what you don’t want in you dating site profile/s playfully (people are sensitive to negatives);
  5. limit the list to five things (lest you scare away a potential right catch)!

Additional Tips for Finding the Right Guy on a Dating Site

  • Only engage with a potential “prospect” that meets your Top Five no matter how sexy his photo is, which means read profiles before making contact or replying.
  • Don’t discount a potential mate that meets your Top Five even if he’s not Gerard Butler’s stunt double.
  • Dedicate a certain amount of time to “window shopping” and to dating—the same amount of time you’d have, or make available, for a potentially permanent Plus One.
    • This means that if there are more options—men interested in dating you—than you have time for, then go to your secondary list to narrow it down.
  • Don’t be afraid to be the one to initiate contact first!
  • Finally, experience has shown that the idea of “building a relationship” before meeting is a huge risk.

There is too much at stake: built-up expectations, hopes, dreams, blah blah blah yada yada.

Simply a bad idea. (Unless, it’s an “arranged marriage.” But that’s a whole other blog.)

AJ Prevention RX: Talk on the phone ASAP and, if that goes well, then meet pronto.

Take These Tips into the Real World

How to find the right guy on a dating site isn’t much different than in the real world with one big exception…

In the real world you know right away if there’s zero physical attraction.

  • You really do have to be able to imagine kissing the other person without a vomitous reaction, which has less to do with looks than connection and chemistry.
  • Find out within the first meet-‘n-greet if he meets your Top Five bring it up y’all—crazy tactic!
  • But bring it up in a way that is fun, light-hearted and flirty … in other words: don’t scare the fish off the line before you know if he’s a keeper.

Hint: He’s evaluating you, too, but if he’s still there after a few moments, he’s attracted.

The key is keeping the fun in it all!

Most people go to work and put in their 8 hours a day.

Sometimes they like the job; sometimes they don’t. But if they don’t work, they don’t eat.

If you don’t date, there’s a good chance you will stay single and eat alone. So date more but filter better.

The Takeaways:

  1. Figure out your Top Five deal-makers/breakers.
  2. Filter! Filter filter filter!
  3. Dedicate time to “dumpster diving”—there must be a diamond in there somewhere.
  4. Meet ‘n greet a-sap!
  5. Our mate-finding mantra: dating is fun, damn it!


P.S. My WakeUP2Luv program will help you narrow down your real top 5 (hint: they’re different than you think)!

P.P.S. If you want to be a Sexy(r) Goddess attracting your stud my ebooks  are here. They’re short, funny and, best of all, free!

About the Author Anna Jorgensen

Dating, Love and Relationship Coach Founder: Wingmam, Vancouver, Canada Warning: Not PC, not a feminist ❤️

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