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  • Got Sex? Sex Coach and Intimacy Expert, Céline Remy, Reveals How

Got Sex? Sex Coach and Intimacy Expert, Céline Remy, Reveals How

Get the Sex and Intimacy You Want

AJ Note: from some the calls I get, I know that many of you could use a sex coach and intimacy expert. Working with a sex coach could be your ticket to sexual confidence and intimate freedom.

Sex Coach and Intimacy Expert, Céline Remy

I am Céline Remy, your very own pleasurologist, sex coach and intimacy expert.

You might wonder how one chooses a career as a sex coach and intimacy expert? Well, to be honest, sex is my favorite subject!

For many, sex is an area that’s filled with shame, embarrassment and heaviness, but for me it has always been easy, joyful and absolutely fascinating.

I believe sex is natural, beautiful and healing and our bodies are designed to be activated.

Pleasure is an essential ingredient of life.

Sexual Frustration

I help both men and women who are bored or frustrated with their sex life have deep sexual connections and fulfilling lives. I’m dedicated to helping them get the sex and relationship they most want to have.

Let’s face it, the way you do sex is the way you do life!

I offer a unique body-based methodology to crack open my clients through pleasure while bringing a ridiculous amount of joy and laughter in everything I do.

I teach both men and women how to unleash their sexual potential, bring out the best in each other and have mind-blowing sex for hours.

There are many ways to work with me, thanks to technology:
  • Virtual sex and masturbation coaching
  • In person sexological bodywork (sexual stamina training for men and sensual awakening for women)
  • Online courses “Power and Mastery” for men only: a three-part virtual program designed to help you eliminate ED, performance anxiety, and premature ejaculation. You’ll also learn how to please a woman like a Master!
  • Online program “The Irresistible Woman” for women only:  an eight week mastery program to morph into the juiciest, sexiest, most playful, radiant version of yourself and learn through pleasure who you are in the world as a woman


When it comes to dating, it can definitely be stressful. Many hide behind a fake persona because deep down they don’t feel good enough, so self-love and acceptance are key.  Work on that your relationship to self first.

As tempting as it is to think that something, or someone, outside of you is holding you back, the truth is:

Nothing that’s happening EXTERNALLY is really keeping you from having your ideal relationship.

The reality is — here is the part you might not enjoy hearing — that if you haven’t gotten the sex you want or the intimacy you seek — there’s usually something going on INTERNALLY that is preventing you from having what you want.

It truly is almost ALWAYS an inside job! 😉

Ask yourself this very important question: if you are dissatisfied with all of your relationships, and they all have similar ways they fall short … What is the one thing they ALL have in common?

The answer is… YOU.

So, look inside and see what you are bringing to your relationships. Because what you bring is changeable. You, and only you, are in your control.

Change yourself to change your relationships.

No matter what the others bring, you cannot change them, so to make the most of your relationships, do the work to change what you can change.

Start with what all your relationships have in common, and you will change that in all your relationships.

Here’s my best piece of advice for you … BE REAL!

Don’t play games, don’t hold back for fears of not being loved. When you find someone you like, say so and act like it.

Don’t pretend or withhold your affection because you are supposed to wait a certain amount of days before reaching out after a date.

Show up fully and do the work.


When it comes to developing a quality, I believe PRESENCE is one of the most attractive traits in both men and women.

Presence means being here, now. Presence is about noticing the little things. You can’t fake being present, it requires discipline and focus. Being present is the greatest gift.


Another element is PASSION. Passion is attractive and magnetic.

Think back to a time when someone was talking passionately about something they truly loved. I am pretty sure you literally got lit up from the inside out just by listening and watching them. That passion was contagious; you felt uplifted and inspired. Maybe you couldn’t wait to dive into your own passion.

Passion is what you love. Be passionate by expressing your feelings and values, and by sharing your heart freely.

So bring your passion and presence to the dating scene and get ready for the most incredible results.

If you want more you can find me here :
Much love,


AJ here! Wow, that was awesome sauce. I think everyone can use Céline’s services. Sex and true intimacy is an area we all have difficulty with. If you’ve got the balls to go deep on intimacy, I invite you to reach out to Céline.

Oh, and by the way, I don’t receive any kind of referral or kick back on any other coaches or products that I promote. I believe in creative collaboration and I believe the pie is big enough for everyone.

I want you to have every opportunity you can to be able to find the love you want. That shit lights me up!

Anna Jorgensen

About the author

Vancouver dating coach for men who love women! ❤️
(Not PC and not a feminist.)

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