Category: Dating 101, Tips For Chicks | By:  Anna Jorgensen | 0 Comments

“This” Quality in a Woman Touches a Man’s Basic Instinct 😉

Maybe you’re a modern woman who isn’t interested in the institution of marriage, but if you are interested in knowing how to get a guy to commit, you might be surprised by the counter-intuitive—and self-empowering—trait men find attractive.

A man who is interested in committing to a woman is interested in a woman who … commits.

But how to get a guy to commit to you isn’t about you committing to the guy.

Wait, what?

How To Get A Guy To Commit

IF a guy is at a stage in his life where he is ready to settle down, he will be open to it when you commit to …

  1. You—your personal development
  2. Others—the people you care about and their needs (provided those needs don’t infringe on #1)
  3. Him—in a supportive, interdependent (not codependent or needy) way

Basically, how to get a guy to commit is to show him that you’re the commitment type.

Be committed to a healthy level of autonomy and a desire to help others, and be there for him.

A good quality, emotionally healthy man—as opposed to a player or pick-up artist—commits to a woman who’s also emotionally healthy and displaying proof of commitment in her own life before he even comes along.

If we want to avoid the leftovers that a player gives and avoid heartache, then we need to commit to becoming the kind of woman we respect—adore!—when we look in the mirror of our soul.

Even good men who are ready to settle down often have fear of commitment because one of men’s primary needs is freedom—not freedom to be with other women, but freedom to maintain some independence. They’re simply built that way.

How To Get A Guy To Commit Takeaway

Get a guy to commit by taking the sneaky side-street to commitment: Let him come around to realizing that he’s got “a keeper” by becoming a woman lovingly committed to herself, to others, to life, and to him in a healthy Goddess kind of way.

Throw the bait out, and the fish will come. Chase the fish, and they swim away.

How to Get a Guy to Commit Actionable

  1. What’s one thing you can do today to be more committed to something in your life aside from him?
  2. Go do it!

xo AJ

Module 3 & 4 of my WakeUp2Luv Get A Boyfriend goes into more detail on what men find attractive and how to build it into your life. When you’re ready … more info here.

About the Author Anna Jorgensen

Dating, Love and Relationship Coach Founder: Wingmam, Vancouver, Canada Warning: Not PC, not a feminist ❤️

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