Category: Dating 101, Guest Post Y'all! | By:  Anna Jorgensen | 2 Comments

Guest Post by Pauline Plott

It kind of feels like something you might have asked your friends in high school. But even once you enter adulthood it can be difficult to know the answer. That is, unless you know what ways to know… does he like you!

I have compiled a list of things to watch for next time you catch yourself wondering if he’s interested in you.

1. Watch His Body Language

An astounding 93% of human communication is nonverbal. Tone of voice accounts for 38% of what we understand, whereas body language accounts for a whopping 55%.

If body language is so important in everyday life, imagine how much more so it is when it comes to human coupling! The fairer sex uses over 50 different body signs to indicate attraction. Men, on the other hand, use fewer than ten!

With so few tells—a tell is an unconscious signal people give that reveal the hidden psychology of what they’re thinking or feeling—one might as well learn them all.

5 Ways To Know: Does He Like You

He …

  1. mirrors or mimicks your body language or uses feminine body language.
  2. leans in while talking to you.
  3. points his feet towards you.
  4. maintains eye contact.
  5. nods frequently.

If you notice him doing any or all of these, you’re probably looking at someone who’s really interested.

2. Listen to His Words

Most guys like to talk about one thing when courting a woman …

Themselves! how to flirt with your boss

The reason for this is found all throughout nature.

Men simply need to show off to prove themselves to women.

Although they may not bounce around, show their colors, and flap their wings like Birds of Paradise, guys will make an extra effort to brag about themselves to girls they like.

Whether he’s talking about his body, his job, or his possessions, if he’s telling you about it, he probably likes you. This is especially true with online dating, where men can only rely on their words to demonstrate interest.

3. Understand His Touch

Touching is good way to gauge desire, and most guys will find any excuse to touch you if they like you.

signs a guy likes youWhether by touching your arm when sharing a joke, high fiving you for no apparent reason, giving you a hug when you see one another, or simply brushing your hand when walking past, this kind of physical interaction is generally prompted by a deeper desire to be close.

To be sure, try reciprocating the action.

If he moves away, you might have been mistaken, but if he seems to move closer or even enjoy it, you are probably right.

Just remember that a flinch might not be a bad thing. Every man should be assessed based on his own personal level of shyness.

4. Notice His Interests

Remember that chick flick where the guy takes up that embarrassing activity to get the girl to notice him? Okay, that’s all of the romantic comedies out there, but the popular trope exists for a reason.

Men typically take an interest in things that women are interested in to get their attention. If he takes a liking to the things that you enjoy, especially if he never had an apparent interest in it before, he’s probably doing it to get close to you.

This is especially true if he becomes obsessed with something you told him about. Did you share your favourite TV show recently, only to find that he reported back binge watching and loving the entire series?

Yeah … he likes you.

A Few Extra Tidbits on Ways to Tell If a Guy Likes You…

This list may not seem extensive, but these four categories can be extrapolated to other things. For example, if he notices your new haircut, that is him showing interest (à la list item number four).

Of course, sometimes it’s possible to misread a man’s intentions, and many can be just as flirty as some women.

Still, generally speaking, this list should get you far when it comes to knowing men just a little bit better.

About the Author

Pauline Plott is a London-based blogger who became a dating guru after learning the psychology behind modern romance and signing up for every dating website in pursuit of relationship bliss. She shares her reviews and opinions on

About the Author Anna Jorgensen

Dating, Love and Relationship Coach Founder: Wingmam, Vancouver, Canada Warning: Not PC, not a feminist ❤️

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