Category: Dating 101, Tips For Chicks | By:  Anna Jorgensen | 0 Comments

How to Get a Guy to Want You

How to get a guy to want you by using the words men love to hear sounds easy, but when I tell women which words work best, they — women — cringe.

Men are the first to say that they’re simple creatures. The words men love to hear from women can be easily incorporated into everyday life.

So, what are these magic words that make men want you?

1. Hero.

Every guy out there wants to be your hero. But a guy doesn’t get many chances to prove his heroism in everyday life. He’s not saving you from burning buildings or runaway trains or vampires or whatever else Hollywood can think of.

If we want a man to crave us, we’ve got to give him credit for the smaller efforts he makes, like opening doors — or pickle jars — for us.

It’s ok to throw around the word “hero” on the small stuff even if we do it in a cheeky, we-all-know-she’s-so-exaggerating kind of way. In fact, extreme exaggeration may work best because then he knows you’re saying it for his benefit. It’s a gift.

So, go ahead and tell a guy, even jokingly with a half grin, that he’s your hero for bringing you a coffee.

Is saying that really so difficult to do? If it is, you might want to check in on your vulnerability metric. Vulnerability takes courage. And giving a man “the hero word” takes ultra-Goddess gutsiness!

2. Provide for.

I got this one from Alison Armstrong, relationship coach and author of the book, The Queen’s Code.

This word combo has been a staple in my vocabulary ever since I discovered it because it’s so damn effective.

When we want anything from a man, we’ll be 1000 times more effective in getting whatever that is by including the words “provide for.”

Men don’t just want to provide for women; they’re biologically wired to do so.


When we ask for what we want and include what it would provide for us, a man’s brain is triggered to find ways to give it to us, whatever it is.

But be warned: If we don’t include a time frame and what the time frame also provides for us, then he’ll get to it in his own time frame. (Which might not correlate to our time frame!)

Finally, if we want more of whatever from a man, then we need to use the words …

3. Thank you!

As I’ve mentioned, men are fairly simple. Tell them what we want in a way that makes them want to give it to us, and they’ll try their darnedest to make it happen.

Do the above and give him sincere and gracious thanks, and he’ll keep trying to provide more of what we want without ya having to ask.

The key is in the genuineness of our gratitude. Skip the sarcasm and ditch the bitchiness.

Get a guy to want you by using the words men love to hear from women.

Easy peasy.


Want the rest of the road map to love? Invest in yourself with my GET A BOYFRIEND program today!

About the Author Anna Jorgensen

Dating, Love and Relationship Coach Founder: Wingmam, Vancouver, Canada Warning: Not PC, not a feminist ❤️

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