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WakeUP2Luv Get a Girlfriend Program Review

WakeUP2Luv Review by Andrew, United Kingdom

I guess I skipped class the day they taught dating skills at school, female psychology too for that matter.

In my twenties, I stumbled into a handful of relationships, more by luck than judgement, and was even married for a while.

When that ended in an acrimonious divorce I thought it was time to have some fun.

But pretty quickly I discovered something was wrong. It seemed no matter who I dated the result was the same.

When, after multiple dates, I finally plucked up the courage to tell the girl how I felt, she would recoil in surprise.

I was a “nice guy” but she “just didn’t see me that way.”

It felt like the ladies were reading from the same script.

In frustration, I resorted to the internet for advice. Pulled into the rabbit hole of alpha-male types in their twenties hitting on girls in the street.

I felt lost.

I’d crossed the threshold into the second half century of my life. I wasn’t interested in a casual fling.

What I was looking for was a healthy, committed relationship. What I needed was comprehensive advise to correct my previous mistakes.

Enter Anna Jorgensen, a quirky, chirpy Canadian lady who delivered home truths with a smile and a sassy wink.

What first drew me to Anna’s YouTube videos was her humour.

I found the antidote to the frustration and resentment I was beginning to feel was laughter.

Whereas the too-cool-for-school YouTube alpha types left me feeling judged and intimidated, I felt Anna was a woman I could trust to give constructive help and advice.

So, I signed up for her WakeUp2Luv program. In terms of cost, it’s a fraction of what dating coaches are asking for one-to-one sessions.

Having completed the program, what I have leaned, surprise, surprise, is this is all about personal development.

There is no point bemoaning the choices women make when it comes to affairs of the heart. Over years of natural selection I am powerless.

The option that is open to me is to become a better man. To embrace my masculinity rather than being ashamed of it (as some voices in our culture would have me do).

Wanna know the catch?

I haven’t found a girlfriend.


But what I have found is acceptance that today I am where I need to be on my journey of personal development.

I have awareness of the nature of the problem, new interpersonal skills (I really did skip school that day) and I am moving forward with a new confidence.

New adventures await.

Kind Regards,



More info on WakeUP2Luv here. Another review here.

What others are saying about WakeUP2Luv


Just wanted you to know that soon after finishing your program last year I found a wonderful woman. We got engaged in December and are getting married this May. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


I definitely feel something shifted inside me, I feel greater confidence and I can see and feel that I am attracting more attention from the opposite sex.

Steve F.

You gave me some good advice years ago that helped with my perspective on dating. Since then I've had healthier relationships and am now getting engaged to be married in December. Just wanted to say thanks!


The program is really good! I've learned a lot about why my relationships have not been working out.


Thank You, I'm 64 years old widower who's been searching for Mrs. Right for four years. Your program is wonderful! I have two employees and one noticed a difference in my interactions with women even in the first week. I thank you so much for the influence you have already helped me with!


This course would've saved me years of counselling.

Steve B.

Thank you for your Wake Up to Love program. I was cynical when I began your course but open to vulnerability after. It was transforming and rewired my brain to believe in love again at a time when I was full of cynicism. Hope springs eternal and the concepts you teach are enduring and life changing. I credit your coaching to my success. Thank you, all the best!


I enjoyed how easy it was to listen to the audio. You had me engaged and committed throughout. I like the wholeness of the program i.e. focusing on the whole person, almost like life coaching.


What a great course. You really helped me to find what I was looking for, what I was missing. I would definitely recommend your course and videos to anyone looking for love.


Since my wife passed I started watching Your Wingmam on YouTube. My new goal in life was to find a woman who I desired to be with, wake up in the morning glad to see her. Be honest and loving and enjoy the rest of my life with. Anna was starting through You Tube to make subtle changes in my mind. I signed up for her WakeUP2Luv program and within a day one of my employees noticed a change in my behavior and speaking. I told him I had a "life coach" who was helping me rethink myself for the better. I am truly thankful Anna provided this wonderful platform to help those of us that needed it. I am making progress and putting myself out there, I recently met a wonderful young lady, but since she is a fixer upper so I passed. Anna made me realize I was totally finding fixer uppers as this one was #3. There is a gem waiting for me, I just need to dig her up. Thank You so much Anna for your wonderful insight.

Anna Jorgensen

About the author

Vancouver dating coach for men who love women! ❤️
(Not PC and not a feminist.)

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  1. I would like to take this opportunity to Thank you Anna after my wife left me I felt lost and too the point of ending my life. I stumbled across your channel and binged watched your videos and I found hope started to think about my growth instead of whoa is me, my grandkids and the joy my 6 grownup children have given me. I started to get myself up each day inspite of the hurt and devastating loss of love enrolled in flying classes as I am terrified of flying and heights I figured I would take this on and conquer this or at least learn to control it. I have never been so terrified in my life, my clothes where soaked. On our return flight from Kamloops BC and seeing the sun set over the mountain on our approach it occurred to me just how Blessed I am, what a wonderful this world is,and although I am hurting this is but a moment and this too will pass. So every week I await your videos and have gotten to a very good place. Have read Jordan Peterson 12 rules for life as well and I am a better person today than I was yesterday. So I THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME!
    And once work slows down will look forward too enrolling in your courses!!!

    1. You have no ideal how much your message fills my heart with joy!! I’m so happy for you! You saved yourself, Peterson and I (if I may even put my myself in the same sentence as such an amazing man) have simply provided some sign posts. You got this!!!! ~ Anna

  2. Please resubmit the wake up2 luv program
    which I may have already paid for the course
    and more than eager to enroll for success in
    establishing lasting healthy relationship toward
    Intimate careing communication for lasting love
    between adults!

    1. You can login here using your email address. If you’ve forgotten your password, just set a new one. Good for you for getting back to the program! 🙂

  3. You're going to like this.
    All this time later, I'm pulling the trigger.
    Bank card out and everything.
    I'm just looking for the page where to fill out the info.
    If you don't see an order from me by the time you read this, you might consider kindly shooting me a link.
    I'll keep looking meanwhile.
    See yah!

  4. I felt that I really got a great deal from this program. Through the homework exercises, vision statements, board and life wheels, I made tremendous progress in finding out who I am, what I want and what I needed to work on in getting the relationship that I desired. Apart from the goal finding someone special, the course also is a great self improvement tool. And if course seeing Anna's lovely videos are always a highlight (: Thanks so much Anna!!

    1. You’re welcome, Matthew, so glad you found value in it, and congratulations again on finding your special someone! 💕

  5. I was hoping to learn how to actually approach women. I’ve done all the self-fixing stuff but I’m still stuck with “hi” and that’s the end of it.

    1. In the program, I suggest starting where you are and taking steps out of your comfort zone in the area you want to improve on. Are you proficient at starting conversations with people in general? Have you tried to talk with people in service industries? Competence leads to confidence but you have to get out of your comfort zone to become more competent. I suggest reviewing Module 4 and reverse engineering a plan to talk to approach women. >> end goal: approach women, what comes just before that? Feel comfortable starting conversations with anyone who is slightly less intimidating than the kind of women you want to approach. What comes before that? Starting conversations with people unlikely to be able to be unkind to you (because they’ll get fired) like grocery store clerks, Uber drivers, old people, neighbours etc. What comes before that? Getting comfortable saying hi to people. Etc. 🙂

  6. Dear Sirs: I spend a career in in the police force and over 36 years I learned a lot of human behavior and that is what Anna is teaching. Her lessons can be applied every day all day. I really enjoy the lessons. It was rather sad at times in the police force to watch men screw up over and over. Truly, the whole thing became very repetative. So Anna keep doing what you are doing……… can save a lot of men from a lot of hurt.
    God Bless Terry Fehr

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