Category: Dating 101, Tips For Chicks | By:  Anna Jorgensen | 0 Comments

Make Dating Fun (ish) with These Online Dating Tips for Women!

I always joke that online dating is like dumpster diving for diamonds! If you want to find that one gem you’re hoping for and make online dating suck less, then apply these online dating tips tout-de-suite! (That be French for “pronto!” Which is Italian. I think.)

AJ’s 5F Online Dating Tips for Women. Duet Right!

1. Five!

  • Figure out your top five deal makers and deal breakers (combined) before you start dating. This means that you know what these are before you even get on a dating site. Yes, only five. This doesn’t mean other things aren’t also important; it means that you’re going to bypass anyone who doesn’t at least meet these basics.

My example: Honourable (this covers a lot), affectionate (hand-holding and PDAs, yes, please), makes me feel safe (emotionally, this covers a lot); attractive (to me); fun (makes me laugh or laughs at me, isn’t too serious) no rug-rats (I suck at step-mom’ing and frankly don’t want to be inconvenienced by the priorities of child-rearing. Hey, at least I’m honest with myself and others.)

2. Filter!

  • Get to know your potential date at least a little by text and phone before you go on a date. You want to cover some of the basics — your top five deal makers / breakers at the very least. That way you can decide if you want to date a dude who “is not into woo-woo spirituality.”

My example: A man who “wants a natural girl who doesn’t wear scents: perfume, deodorant …” (I’ve worn Chanel parfum for, like, everrr.) Hint: Try to be conversational, not interrogational.

3. Friend Zone?

  • If you’re meeting on the pretense of potential friendship because one of your top five (or other important qualities) makes a romantic relationship unrealistic, be sure your date knows this unequivocally before the date so he can decide if he is interested in “just” friendship. Don’t lead a dude on, that’s just douche-y.

My example: I had a great “friendship only date” with a guy who has young kids (totally a no-go zone for me) and lives outside of my preferred area — negotiable if not for the deal-breaker bit.

By the way, why would you go on a friendship only date? Because friends are good to have and you / they have other single friends. If your new friend is cool, their friends are cool, too. Set your ego aside, girl friend.

4. Forget History!

  • Um, telling a guy how much your last boyfriend spoiled you / earned / etc. own is tacky. Or saying that you expect yo man to pay $7000 a month in rent. No es bueno! (#Spanish) As in: Even if you are a self-empowered, lou-and-proud gold-digger, never dump dirt like this on a dude. Leave your past in the past, it’s finished.

5. Fish Lips #Ugh

  • If you are looking for a potentially long-term relationship, don’t send selfies of you with super puff pouty fish lip pose aka “duck face!” You’re not a super model and he’ll just want to stick something in that pout. Hint: Not a carrot.

Worth repeating! Never send fish lip pics if you’re looking for long-term love!

Online Dating Tips for Chicks Takeaways

  1. Know what you want and don’t want when looking for love.
  2. Get to know him just enough to know better before you go on a date. #filter
  3. Unless you’re just looking for a quick f*ck, don’t be a duck. No pouty pics!

Classy chicks don’t post pouty pics! ~ Anna J

Dating 101: Online Dating Tips For Women is from my own in-the-field real dating with ‘real’ men experiences and interviews with random men. If you have a dating or relationship question, please see my services options here.

If you found this info helpful or amusing, please share the love … your crew will heart you forever!

xo AJ


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Thank you! Cheers to your success in life and love! xoxoxo

About the Author Anna Jorgensen

Dating, Love and Relationship Coach Founder: Wingmam, Vancouver, Canada Warning: Not PC, not a feminist ❤️

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