She’s a Keeper If…

She’s a Keeper if…

She’s a keeper if she has some of these qualities and none of the red flag qualities I mention in my Damaged Women blog!

Keep in mind that very few women will have all of these qualities!

Those special ladies are known as unicorns, my friend, and you will live a long and lonely life if that’s what you aspire to getting.

You’re not looking for perfection because you’re not perfect. No one is.

And sometimes, just sometimes, good enough is good enough. (As long as those red flags are in check!)

Without further adieu…

She’s a Keeper if She…

  • Is kind to servers, cashiers, service industry workers.
    • Bonus point: She’s kind when they make a mistake!
  • Owns up to her mistakes.
    • Bonus point: She tries to make it up to you!
  • Doesn’t freak out when you make a “mistake.”
    • Bonus point: If it’s your 2nd time making the same “mistake!”
  • Encourages you to follow your passions and hobbies.
    • Bonus point: She sacrifices her time with you for you to do that!
  • Has a full life with friends & hobbies.
    • Bonus point: She doesn’t rely on you for all her happiness!
  • Encourages you to spend time with “good” friends/family.
    • Bonus point: She shows up with you even when she ain’t really into it!
  • Doesn’t try to move forward too quickly.

#JustTheTip 1

Pace yourself! What’s the rush?!

Back to the list! She’s a keeper if she…

  • Lifts your spirits when you’re down.
  • Is your biggest cheerleader when you win in life.
  • Loves the way you’re a man.
    • Bonus point: She sees your “masculine-based flaws” as cute quirks!

#JustTheTip 2

The more positive traits she has, the higher her value!

Higher value = more competition for her!

What do you have to offer?

#JustTheTip 3

Increase your masculine value! #WakeUP2Luv 😉

Still more “she’s a keeper if she” ahead. She…

  • Is generous with attention & affection but isn’t needy or clingy.
  • Looks for peaceful resolution and wants to understand your side. #Keeper #Keepher!
  • Is feminine but not a feminazi!

#JustTheTip 4

Watch our for major red flags!

Red Flag: If she throws around the word, “Patriarchy” a lot, ditch & run, hun!

I’m sure you’d be happy with any of the signs she’s a great woman already mentioned, but we’re heading into overtime now!

She’s a keeper if she…

  • Has compatible long term goals with yours.
    • Bonus point: She’s willing to compromise (not abandon!) her goals for the relationship!
  • Has compatible beliefs & values in the important things:
    • Togetherness
    • Independence
    • Sex
    • Money
    • Children
  • Defends your honour.
    • Bonus point: She doesn’t dish about your problems to her friends!
  • Shows her love for you in the way YOU need it.
    • Bonus point: She expresses her love in your love language when it’s different than hers!
  • Doesn’t use sex as a weapon & doesn’t withhold affection to punish you.
    • Bonus point: She rewards your “good behaviour” with sexual favours! 😉
  • Looks for ways to praise you.

#JustTheTip 5

We remember negatives more than we remember positives.

Give 5 positives for every negative.

She’s definitely a keeper if she —

  • Has got your back — she’s your BFF and acts like it.

#JustTheTip 6

Ask her, “When did someone not show up for you?” or “How would you have handled that?”

What else?

  • She doesn’t play games. She treats you with respect.
  • You laugh a lot together.
  • You can spend a lot of time together without feeling bored or claustrophobic.
    • The bed doesn’t feel crowded with her!
  • She’s stable and has her life in order and has her priorities straight.
    • She has room to add value to her life not to have someone fix her life!

#JustTheTip 7

Avoid damsels in distress! #chaos

And finally, she’s a keeper if —

  • You’ve got shared chemistry and connection.
    • Physically
    • Sexually
    • Emotionally
    • Intellectually etc.

You “get” each other… and want to bump nasties!

Questions to know if she’s the one along with “Story Time!”in the video.

You know she’s a keeper if she’s got a lot of these qualities, but what about you?

How do you fair?

I challenge you to go back and rate yourself on these traits!

Feel like you’re lacking?

The higher her value the more options she has. Become your best you to have the best chance with the woman of your dreams.

Cough: WakeUP2Luv gives you the step-by-step guide to being your best UNIQUE YOU. 😉

You’ve either got the time now to invest in yourself or you can make the time if having an amazing woman by your side during the rough parts of life is important to you.

xo AJ

p.s. All is well in my world. I’m calm, cool and collected. I hope the same for you. Stay safe, sanitized and sane, y’all!


is she the one, she's a keeper if

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  1. Anna, your advice is not only sound and sane, but it is also sweet and sexy, as are you. May you stay safe and stress free.

    1. Thanks so much for watching, reading and commenting! I’m safe, sane, sanitized and pretty much stress-free 🙂

  2. You left out…”if she doesn’t lose her mind if you forget to put the seat down” on occasion, Guy’s, when you are with your girl you should do this as a respectful thing for her.\, BUT Lady’s, don’t loose your sh*t over this small thing. When we are in our place by our self and need to do sit down business in the bathroom, we have to put the seat down and it’s not a particularly difficult thing. Save the hysterics for when we fart in bed and pull the covers over your head. 😉

    1. That would be part of she doesn’t freak out over what she considers a “mistake.” And if women want to really up their game, they can offer “valuable favours” for doing something that’s exclusively for her benefit not hers! 😉

  3. In my last comment I should have added that your advice is also smart and savvy. I appreciate your insights into how to build a strong relationship with a woman and how to know if a particular woman is the right one for me, and me for her.

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