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  • 20 Things Women Love About Men | International Men’s Day!

20 Things Women Love About Men | International Men’s Day!

20 Things Women Love About Men | International Men’s Day!

Truth bomb: Many of the things women love about men are also attractive traits in women!

Here’s the thing… whether you’re a man or woman, these traits can come across as masculine or feminine depending on whether you’re in a masculine or feminine frame. More on this later.

While there are some significant and complementary differences between men and women, much of what we find attractive is similar.

In this video, we’ll look at some of the many traits we love about y’all gentlemen, plus how to tell if you, as a man, are coming across as masculine or feminine, strong or weak in any of these areas.

This video celebrates a few of the many things women have told me they love about men.

Remember, you’re probably not going to have all of these traits. Few do.

No one is perfect—and that’s ok! In fact, it would be kind of boring if we all were the same.

If you’re new to my channel, I help men decode modern women so you can find, attract, and keep your keeper—or simply have better relationships with women. Welcome to Just The Tip!

Watch the video here >>


Other Sexy Traits She Longs For…


If you want a more personalized step-by-step guide to develop other traits women crave that you’ll respect in yourself and in an authentic way, get my WakeUP2Luv Program here… and do. the. work.

The thing is, you’ll feel better about yourself and life simply by actually doing the homework.

I believe in you.

You got this!



things women love about men

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