Why Women Like Bad Boys

How to be More Assertive with Women

The reason why women like bad boys is pretty simple, and if y’all stop being so defensive, you might understand—and even agree with—the principles of how to be more assertive with women. And then you’ll get a girlfriend. Or at least you’ll get laid once in a while. Hello!

Let’s cut straight to the chase …

Just like it’s in men’s nature to chase, so it is with women.

It’s human nature to value what we work for.

Anything that’s too easy doesn’t provide the satisfaction of having accomplished something.

We might enjoy a pay raise, but we value it—and ourselves—more when we’ve proven that we’ve earned to build confidence

Our big weight loss feels pretty good, but we puff out our chests a stretch more when we’ve hit the gym with heavy weights and had a good sweat. (As opposed to stomach by-pass surgery. Which, sure, has its place. Well, maybe.)

And we may appreciate our partner, but the healthy relationships—the ones that don’t result from our or a partner’s desperate neediness—are the ones we truly cherish.

Why Women Like Bad Boys

First, what is a bad boy? According to Steve Santagati, king of the bad boys, and NYT best-selling author of The Manual: A True Bad Boy Explains How Men Think, Date and Mate—and. my. last. boyfriend—a bad boy is, essentially, a man with his own opinions, life and purpose. (My words, not his.)

Bad Boys love women. Players use women.

A few things to consider about why women like bad boys and how to be more assertive with women …

  1. Women value a man who has his own opinions. We want to know that we can lean on our man and trust him to deliver his truth about a problem we’re trying to solve. Nice Guys are too busy agreeing with us to give us a solid opinion of their own. Gross, guys, that’s just gross. #growsome
  2. Chicks dig a guy who has a life of his own and doesn’t rely on her for all his happiness and entertainment, but he’s able to share some of his time with her and recap the (monogamous) adventures he has without her. This makes her a choice for him, not a desperate Cling-on. Hint: She gets to have a life, too.
  3. Ladies love love love a guy who’s got purpose in life, whether it’s to climb the corporate ladder or to burn down ladders at Burning Man. The key here is that it’s your purpose, not “our relationship purpose.” You’re just fine on your own, but you wanna be “us.”

Automatically, our value as women exponates <—check out that big word—when you don’t need us, but rather choose to be with us because we’re awesome sauce amazing.

How to be More Assertive With Women

Let’s break it down to the basics …

Bad Boys aren’t assholes—refer back to Player for the asshole definition—but they (Bad Boys) do have their own opinions, life and purpose.

  1. Practice sharing your unpopular opinions with peers you’re not attracted to and with male friends.
  2. Um, this means you need to have your own opinions, so start asking yourself, “What the hell do I think about this, like really really?”
  3. Also, um, this means you need to have male friends. I know, dude, but it’s true. Guys who are good friends will pull you forward and provide genuinely-good-for-you feedback. #youneedit
  4. Start saying “no” to things you’re not absofuckinglutely passionate about saying “yes” to.
  5. When you get good at having opinions and saying “no” to people who you don’t want to bone, then start practicing on chicks you wanna get naked with.

Do it.

xo AJ

Also, if you’re in Vancouver Sept 21, 2017, go to this event. I’ll be there. Say “hi.”
Also, if you want the map to the love meadow, sign up for my program. Do it and I guarantee you’ll have a little filly to do soon. 😉

Anna Jorgensen

About the author

Vancouver dating coach for men who love women! ❤️
(Not PC and not a feminist.)

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  1. Jus a thought i had after your nice guy bash. In the 30plus yrs ive been talking to women…not once have they ever said theyve been screwed over by a nice guy. It always the last guy the “had his own opinions” …which translates to ” he really doesnt care if she stays or goes.
    Reference the movie Hitch. In the beginning he lost the girl because he needed her and chased her and told her he loved her. The problem wss not him, it was the girl! She hadnt figured it out yet.
    At the end of the movie he kept and won the girl because he chased her and told her he neeced her and loved her. This time it worked because the girl had clued in. Girls want a nice guy, but they just dont want a nice guy. As Nomad stated in Star Trek- The Changling about Uhura…this unit is a mass of conflicting impulses.

    1. Well, Ron, looks like you and I may have to agree to disagree, because I will always recommend self-development (“bashing” as you call it) a man who doesn’t have the courage to be honest with himself or others aka “nice guys.”
      To be clear (again), a “nice guy” isn’t the same as a “kind guy.” The former has a selfish, if subconscious, agenda, the latter doesn’t.
      If you’re open to reading another man’s quoted words on the topic, check out “Homertoeclipper” remarks in this video:
      So, do we disagree or did you misunderstand me? 😉

  2. Did you miss this part: “…a bad boy is, essentially, a man with his own opinions, life and purpose…” or this part: “…Bad Boys love women. Players use women…” or this part: “…our value as women exponates … when you don’t need us, but rather choose to be with us…" or this part: "…Bad Boys aren’t assholes—refer back to Player for the asshole definition—but they (Bad Boys) do have their own opinions, life and purpose…" Um, basically this whole post lol… Might want to do a self-check-up from the neck up and ask yo-self which of these offends you — and why. Or is it as simple as your acceptance of society's common interpretation of "bad boy" ??

  3. I will never be a “bad boy” it’s just not in my nature. But I am trying to eliminate my “nice guy” habits. I’m trying to be the middle ground: a kind but strong gentleman.

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