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  • 5 Ways To Avoid The Friend Zone

5 Ways To Avoid The Friend Zone

The Dreaded Friend Zone

I’m not giving you just one way but 5 ways to avoid the friend zone. You’re welcome.

Gentlemen: This is tricky for you. You don’t want to come across as sleazy or cheesy but if you want to avoid the Friend zone, you’ve got to keep the sexual tension—without the erection—in the interaction.

Here’s “the how to”:

  1. Give her the lopsided Gerard Butler grin. You know something about her that might make her blush. (Yeah, we know you don’t know anything like that yet, but pretend! You’re the star of your own romantic comedy remember?)
  2. Innuendo. Slightly naughty quips—not directed toward her (very important at this stage)—but only applied after you’ve made her laugh about something non-sexual. Restrict innuendo usage to once or twice maximum—if she laughed the first time—during an encounter, even if she plays along. Don’t worry, it’ll set the tone.
  3. If you’re acting like you would with a guy or gal pal that you’re not sexually attracted to, you’re playing it too safe. No risk, no reward.
  4. However! Watch for signs from her: If she seems nervous, shy, uninterested, or stand-off ish—abort! abort!
  5. If #4 applies, still try to make her laugh, but without any sexual references, or she’ll think you’re creepy or too forward. (And if she doesn’t laugh at all: not your fault. Next.)

Bonus: Flirting is fun!

It can make her feel attractive and appreciated, but remember to know where and when to draw the line: men can inadvertently come across as creepy. No es buenos.

Now, go forth and flirt!


Here are some more ways I provide dating advice for shy guys & introverted men to get a girlfriend.  Wait, not just a girlfriend, but your dream girl.

If you’re ready to take it to warp speed to find, flirt with and attract and keep your special sweetheart, remember that you didn’t land on my site by accident!

Free Dating Advice for Shy Guys & Introverted Men

The Coffee Shop Approach! FREE INSTANT CONFIDENCE (1 page cheatsheet)

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Not-Free Dating Advice for Shy Guys & Introverted Men

DOUBLE YOUR ONLINE DATING TRAINING! (Simple, quick and easy online course.)
HOW TO GET A GIRLFRIEND. GUARANTEED. (Intensive 6 week online course.)

Your Creator didn’t put you here to be shy, single and suffering. But, as My Little Mom (RIP) used to say, “God helps those who help themselves.”

Dude, you deserve to be loved.

To the very core of me I KNOW this to be true. It is the reason I do what I do.

And, guess what else? You don’t have to believe in God for my dating advice to work for you.

Thanks so much for being here in the world with me! For reals.

xo Anna

Founder of Wingmam, Lover of Love, Your 2nd Biggest Fan 😉

Helping Others Makes YOU a Hero! #TrueStory)

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Follow Wingmam’s dating advice for shy guys & introverted men and before you know it you’ll get a girlfriend and be cuddled up on the couch chillin’ ‘n Netflix’in with your soulmate — no more Hands Solo! 😉

You got this.

Um, yeah, here’s the fine print:

DISCLAIMER: Anna is not a psychiatrist—no way—or medical advisor—nope—you are responsible for your actions and the results thereof. Such is life.


dating, dating advice for men, dating advice for men over 40, dating advice for women, dating advice for women over 40, ways to avoid the friend zone

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