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Why DO Nice Guys Finish Last?

Skip the Sulking and Discover Why Do Nice Guys Finish Last

Further to yesterday’s video post, men with “nice guy syndrome” are still asking me why do nice guys finish last and why do women like bad boys?

In this video, I give you my definition of a “player” “bad boy” “nice guy” and “good guy” and why women seem to like players and bad boys but not nice guys… plus, a few things that nice guys can do to be more attractive to women.

Why do nice guys finish last? Well, for one thing, they’re resistant to accepting that there are some traits the players and bad boys have that are actually healthy. Yep, psych 101 healthy!

If you want to be a good guy who gets a girlfriend then you’ve got to keep an open mind. I promise you don’t have to (and shouldn’t) become a jerk to get the girl!

Dude, you can be a nice ish guy and get love IF you follow the basic principles of what women need in a man.

To the very core of me I KNOW this to be true. It is the reason I do what I do. (I’m kinda sentimental that way.)

Your Creator didn’t put you here to be single and suffering. But, as My Little Mom (RIP) used to say, “God helps those who help themselves.”

And, guess what else? You don’t have to believe in God for my dating advice to work for you!

Here are some more ways I can help you get a girlfriend — wait, not just a girlfriend, but your dream girl.

If you’re ready to take it to warp speed to find, attract and keep your special sweetheart, remember that you didn’t land on my site by accident!

Free Dating Advice for Shy Guys that ALL Men will Benefit From:

Click: The Coffee Shop Approach! FREE INSTANT CONFIDENCE Cheatsheet (Special offer revealed after sign-up!)

*New* Click: FREE Ask Anna Anything! Shut uuuuuup. No, I’m serious.

Click: FREE Wingmam’s #JustTheTip newsletter / blogs (Delivered Fridays.)

Not-so-Free Dating Advice for Nice Guys to Finish First that ALL Men Def Definitely NEED:


Your Turn! (Helping Others Makes YOU a Hero! #TrueStory)

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Follow Wingmam’s dating advice and before you know it you’ll be cuddled up on the couch chillin’ ‘n Netflix’in with your soulmate — no more Hands Solo! 😉 You got this.

Thanks so much for being here in the world with me!

xo AJ

Founder of Wingmam, Lover of Love, Your 2nd Biggest Fan 😉

Um, yeah, here’s the fine print:

DISCLAIMER: Anna is not a psychiatrist—no way—or medical advisor—nope—you are responsible for your actions and the results thereof. Such is life.


dating advice for nice guys, nice guys finish last, why do nice guys finish last, why nice guys finish last, why women like bad boys

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